Our Easter selection
Our selection of chocolate and tea pairings, perfect for a wonderful Easter.

For the Easter holidays, a good chocolate-tea pairing is an opportunity to enhance the flavor of your favorite chocolates.

Create a unique tasting moment by accompanying your gourmet squares with an exceptional tea, as recommended by our Master Tea Kim!

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is generally more full-bodied and bitter than other types of chocolate, which means it pairs well with stronger, more robust teas. We suggest the following pairings:

Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate is softer and creamier than dark chocolate, which means it pairs well with sweeter, fruitier teas. Below are a few suggestions to enhance your tasting experience:

White chocolate

White chocolate is smooth and creamy with hints of vanilla and milk, which means it pairs well with sweet and aromatic teas. We suggest the following teas to accompany your ivory squares: